

Meet Flavia Josephine Namugga, a resilient 47-year-old mother of three, a devoted wife and an unwavering advocate for women's empowerment. Her life story is one of perseverance, dedication and a tireless commitment to improving the lives of women in her community. After attending the Street...

Regina Balirora, a 56-year-old mother of nine, is a graduate of the Street Business School (SBS) program through Kyaninga Child Development Center (KCDC). With a focus on empowering vulnerable populations, KCDC integrated SBS in their program by providing business training and entrepreneurial skills to women...

Street Business School amplifies positive impact by partnering with over 250 organisations to deliver our SBS entrepreneurial curriculum. SBS graduates trained by our partners start businesses, successfully manage them, and often diversify into multiple businesses. With increased income, graduates support their families, pay school fees,...

Women in many parts of the world face incredible challenges when it comes to accessing opportunities for economic equity. Lack of education, limited access to finance and cultural barriers often prohibit their potential for growth and development. That is why Street Business School (SBS) partners...

As part of our Street Business School community, you may know Agnes "Aggie" Oyella. She is an engaging, dynamic woman, who has been an important part of SBS and BeadforLife for many years. Now, Aggie would like to share her story with you. ...

Mebra has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration for women in her community. Formerly a farmer, Mebra was recruited to join the SBS training program as a trainer and subsequently embarked on an entrepreneurial journey that defied her initial expectations, quadrupling her income...

Norine had never considered owning a business before joining an SBS training program. As she learned, she realized all the opportunities she was missing. "I am proud of myself for how much I have grown because I can now pay for my children's school fees...