

Conversations around gender inequality and gender bias have fueled the important work of Street Business School and the global SBS network of partners, supporters and graduates. International Women's Day 2022 (IWD) had a primary goal of breaking gender stereotypes by shining light on those who...

Exploring the connection between empowering women and climate change. -Devin Hibbard, Founder, Street Business School If you know me, you know I’m passionate about women's economic empowerment. In a recent conversation with several people, one man politely told me that, while I was doing good work, his...

Economic opportunity and entrepreneurship can help ensure children an education. Entrepreneurship creates cross-cutting impact that will lead to a generational change in extreme poverty. At the end of the day, an investment in economic opportunity is an investment in education....

Nagitta Prossy: I am strong because I work hard, and through SBS, have learned how to run a successful business selling boiled corn. I am a single mother of four children, who can now provide them with milk, eggs and a future – depositing their school...

Gender Balance: Every year on March 8, International Women’s Day serves as a celebration of everything women achieve and a call-to-action for advancing gender parity. This year’s theme, Balance for Better, calls on business, government and civil society to build a gender-balanced world—and it extends...

The nonprofit Street Business School has been teaching Ugandan women how to launch their own businesses for more than a decade. Its programming has already reached more than 60,000 people, who increased their incomes by an average of 211 percent by starting small, locally-based businesses....