

TRAVEL BOULDER MAR 8, 2018 by Amy Heckel It started with one woman, just trying to make ends meet. She was sitting on the ground outside her mud hut in Africa, rolling paper into colorful paper beads that she hoped to sell. Her name was Millie Grace Akena. Millie...

REAL LEADERS PODCAST DEC 22, 2016 CEO and Co-founder Devin Hibbard was featured in this podcast recently, offering a deep dive into our history and our future with Street Business School. Listen to the full episode >> ...

ENTREPRENEUR DEC 2, 2016 Street Business School was honored to be featured in this Entrepreneur story, which gives a great overview about our work empowering women through entrepreneurial training.   Eleven years ago, three American women with no business training startedBeadforLife, a fair trade organization in Uganda...

PEOPLE SEP 10, 2016 We were honored to be recognized by People in this feature that delves into our history, yet describes our Street Business School foundation of entrepreneurial training and empowerment for women. In 2011, Teddy Namuyiga was desperate. She was living with her three daughters outside...