
Our Partners: Together we are better

Coming together to

end extreme poverty

The fight against poverty mobilizes thousands of change-makers from around the world, who channel their unique skills to realize their vision of a brighter future for all. At Street Business School, we’re out to bring these inspiring leaders together around a common goal.

With the help of our strategic partners, we teach nonprofit organizations to deliver our life-changing entrepreneurship program that’s custom made for women living on less than $2.90 a day. Empowered as business owners, SBS graduates increase their incomes, provide for their families, and show their neighbors that change is within reach.

Imagine what we could do if we left poverty behind. Street Business School is on a mission to end extreme poverty by lifting up a new generation of entrepreneurs. Our ready-to-deliver entrepreneurship training program builds confidence and provides practical business skills. We meet people where they are—regardless of education or income level—and help them discover the leader within.

In partnership with local organizations around the world, our entrepreneurship training programs will lift 1 million people out of poverty.


We have trained organizations across the globe to eradicate poverty through entrepreneurship. The partners listed below represent a sampling of our most engaged collaborations.



"I am inspired, awakened and more sure than ever that helping young people realize their potential can be my contribution to eradicating poverty and bringing a little more sunshine to the girls in my community. Thank you 1,000 times for this opportunity."

"The scales fell off my eyes from what I as an individual can do to change circumstances for hundreds of people."

"This has ignited in me a deeper urge to significantly contribute to the eradication of poverty. ... As I return to my country, I return with a fully unique and skillfully built capacity to ignite potential and end poverty."

"The people around me, and our communities will never remain the same. I shall do whatever it takes to pass this knowledge down."


Could raising the income levels of the communities you serve help you achieve your organization’s goals? SBS has collaborated with over 270 organizations across 35+ countries to combat poverty and its associated challenges.

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