
Edith’s Remarkable Journey: From Stay-at-Home Mom to Thriving Entrepreneur

Edith’s Remarkable Journey: From Stay-at-Home Mom to Thriving Entrepreneur

Edith Twijukye, a lively and charismatic 42-year-old, has embarked on an incredible entrepreneurial journey after graduating from the Street Business School entrepreneurship training program. A devoted wife and mother of three, her life took a transformative turn when she decided to step out of her comfort zone. 

Before joining the SBS training, Edith was content as a stay-at-home mom, caring for her children and indulging in her favorite TV shows. The idea of owning a business had never crossed her mind. “I relied on my husband for everything.”  When the community women’s representative knocked on her door to share news of the entrepreneurship program, Edith was not entirely enthusiastic. “I was skeptical at first since I did not know what to expect,” she admitted. However, after attending the first training session, she was captivated by all the business skills she had learned in just one day. Without hesitation, she signed up and immersed herself in the training. 

Reflecting on her experience, Edith remembered feeling anxious about giving wrong answers during assessments conducted by the SBS coaches. However, their reassuring message that all answers were correct boosted her confidence. Topics like Starting Small and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone resonated with Edith. “It felt like the coaches understood my life and were talking directly to me.”

After graduating from the program, Edith pursued her passion for juice-making. With a modest gift of $18.24 from a friend and $5.21 saved from household expenses, she bought a juice blender and started selling homemade juice in her community. “My first day was a success, all the juice was bought, and the demand was still high.”  

Encouraged by her initial success, Edith reinvested her profits into her business. Recognizing her potential, she eventually upgraded to a kiosk shop, expanding her offerings to include chips, chicken, cooked rice, and beverages. The demand grew, prompting her to employ two assistants to manage the increasing number of customers. 

Edith’s hard work has paid off; she now makes a daily profit of $7.82 from her business. She stands as a proud and accomplished entrepreneur. “This training changed my life,” she affirmed. “I’m a completely different woman now, capable of providing for my family.” 

Edith dreams of expanding her business and owning a supermarket one day. “I want to open up a supermarket someday, a big business that even my children would be proud to inherit.” 

Edith’s story serves as an inspiration to others, showing that with dedication, anyone can transition from skepticism to achieving their dreams.  

To support more women, like Edith, please visit www.StreetBusinessSchool.org/give today!

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